Government Affairs Team
The chamber’s government affairs team (“GAT”) is tasked with evaluating issues proposed measures and legislation where the chamber has no previous position. Upon its review and evaluation the GAT will make position recommendations to the chamber board of directors. While having no endorsement authority the chambers GAT is also responsible for conducting interviews with candidates vying for elected offices which the chamber may wish to make endorsements. Based on chamber board candidate endorsement criteria and the interviews conducted, the GAT is responsible for making endorsement recommendations to the RACC board.
Each January the chamber considers new or additional appointments to its GAT. If you are interested in learning more about the criteria guidelines and commitment requirements to serve on the GAT Click here
Scott D. Bolton

“Pacific Power recognizes the significant contribution the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce has made to protect the businesses and jobs that keep this community running, even in the most challenging… Read more “Scott D. Bolton”
Norm Gershon

“Our chamber is a powerful voice for local business interests, and the regular forums and committees provide important opportunities to affect policy and become informed.”