Member Calls to Action

At the heart of the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce’s (“RACC”) service to its members and the Douglas County’s business community, is the government affairs and political advocacy work it does on behalf of business.


The mission of the RACC through its government affairs activities and political advocacy is to represent and protect the interests of the Douglas County business community. To this end, the chamber monitors issues and activities of local, state and federal government and, when appropriate takes positions of support or opposition on behalf of business.


The chamber is committed to keeping our members informed, educated and connected through our bi-monthly e-newsletter, “Chamber News” and “Action Alert” member emails, “Advocacy” page on chamber website, position papers/fact sheets, membership luncheon programs and regular communication with elected, appointed and staff officials representing our city, county and state.

“Calls to Action” 


OPPOSE SB 916—UI Benefits for Striking Workers

ACTION ALERT!  This Thursday, February 6, Oregon Business & Industry and other business representatives from around the state will testify in opposition to SB 916.  If passed, SB 916 would allow workers to claim unemployment insurance benefits when they voluntarily walk off the job to go on strike. This is counter to the very intent of a system meant to provide benefits to Oregonians out of work through no fault of their own. There are, of course, many operational risks associated with it as well.

            ACTION ALERT FOR SENATE BILL 916:  If you are interested in presenting oral testimony (in-person or virtually) you can do so by clicking here and selecting “Register to Testify” or, if you would like to submit written testimony in opposition click here.    

ACTION ALERT! (1/27) Submit Testimony in SUPPORT of HB 3119 

ACTION ALERT!  Submit testimony in SUPPORT of HB 3119 to delay the Oregon DEQ’s ‘Advanced Clean Trucks’ rule until 2027.

                About three years ago, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) passed a little-known regulation that would begin to phase out diesel-fueled trucks, RV’s, heavy-duty pickups and vans and medium-duty vehicles like buses and delivery trucks in Oregon. This rule was known as the ‘Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) Rule.’ This diesel truck and RV ban was effective January 1, 2025.

                In short, the rule will require truck manufacturers like Ford, Dodge, GM and Chevy to sell EV versions of their trucks, in order to also be able to sell their diesel version in Oregon. The number of internal combustion engine trucks a dealer may sell under the rule is determined by the number of electric trucks it sells.  Violating the cap can trigger a fine of $20,000 per vehicle. 

                The technology for these kinds of vehicles barely exists and the technology to date is so expensive (two to three times more expensive), and which can carry only 75% of the payload and have less than half the range, that there is no customer demand. 

                Oregon is effectively banning the sale of new Model Year 2025 diesel trucks and RV’s in Oregon starting January 1, 2025. This will obviously have huge adverse impacts on our dealerships, our builders, our farmers, our trades, our local workers and families across Douglas County and Oregon as new diesel trucks may no longer available for sale in Oregon.

                Remember, it’s not just diesel pickup trucks and RV’s. It will phase out diesel long-haul medium- and heavy-duty trucks that deliver food to the grocery store and online purchases to distribution warehouses.

                House Bill 3119 would delay the Oregon DEQ’s ‘Advanced Clean Trucks’ rule until 2027. The House Committee on Climate, Energy and Environment has scheduled a hearing on this important bill for this Thursday, January 30 at 8:00 a.m.

                Despite all previous testimony that the rule would cause great harm to our hardworking agriculture, building, wood products, construction, trucking, logistics and other industries, Oregon DEQ passed it.

ACTION ALERT FOR HOUSE BILL 3119:  If you are able, please sign up to testify in support of HB 3119. You can sign up to testify remotely if you wish. Sign up to testify by clicking “Register to Testify” on this page and/or, please submit written testimony or comment on HB 3119, HERE. (You can see the current testimony that has been submitted here.)

Oregonians Overwhelmingly Defeat Measure 118

THANK YOU to our RACC  members and local business community! 
Thank you for responding to the Roseburg Area Chamber’s “Calls to Action” on Measure 118. Thank you for being some of the first businesses, organizations and individuals to join the “NO on 118/Defeat the Costly Tax on Sales” Coalition.  Thank you for financial support, putting up signs, spreading the word and VOTING!  The overwhelming defeat of M118 is a credit to you and a success belonging to and for Oregonians!      

Chamber Comments on DEQ’s 2024 Climate Protection Program Draft Rules

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting public comment on its Climate Protection Program. Join us and comment TODAY to ensure our local voice is heard!

            In 2023, the Oregon Court of Appeals struck down the Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Climate Protection Program (CPP), which would have raised energy prices for Oregonians, including our businesses, hospital and schools. Now, the agency is back with the same costly program and is seeking public comment on the draft rules. 

            While the program’s environmental goals are commendable, the financial burden on our local businesses, organizations, residents, and all Oregonians should not be overlooked. The CPP will lead to increased energy costs for consumers, putting a strain on budgets that are already stretched too thin.

            The Oregon DEQ acknowledges in their own draft Fiscal Impact Statement that compliance costs for fuel suppliers, including natural gas utilities, will likely be passed on to consumers. In the same document, they maintain this could disproportionately impact businesses, industries, and low-income households and rural areas like Douglas County, which may face challenges transitioning to clean energy and are less resilient to price increases. Regardless, they continue to push forward with the program.

            Energy cost increases are also anticipated for other large natural gas customers like local hospitals, manufacturers, and schools, since the rule contains no cost caps.

            On August 26, the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce submitted its comment letter to the Oregon DEQ regarding its proposed CPP.  Read RACC Comment Letter.

            The deadline to submit comments to the DEQ is September 27 at 4:00 pm. Send a message to the DEQ urging them to consider the economic impact this program will have on Oregonians.  

Chamber Supports City’s Proposed UGB Swap

At the March 19 meeting, the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce voted unanimously to support the city of Roseburg’s proposed Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) swap.  For details about the chamber’s position, please see the chamber’s letter of support

Roseburg Chamber Joins US Chamber Opposition to CARB Application

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce submitted a letter on April 10 to EPA Administrator Michael Regan, signed by more than 130 state and local chambers, including the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce, asking EPA to deny the California Air Resources Board’s application to exempt its In-Use Locomotive Regulation from the Clean Air Act. That move would require railroads to move to zero-emission locomotives in some cases by 2030 and in all cases by 2035, “even though the technologies necessary to achieve these reductions do not exist.” The signers say the CARB rule “threatens the supply chain” and would force freight off the rails and onto roads, among other harms.  Read the letter HERE

Roseburg Chamber Supporting Small Business Input in Federal Rulemaking

The Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce joined local and state chambers through the country on the U.S. Chamber’s coalition letter on Regulatory Flexibility Act reform in support of small business.  The letter was sent to members of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committees on Small Business and of the Judiciary supporting reform in implementation of the Regulatory Flexibility Act on February 1, 2024.  Read the coalition letter HERE

2024 Oregon Legislative Session Recap

Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) represents the legislative priorities of the nearly 90 local chambers of commerce members of the OSCC. These priorities reflect our collective desire to support our local economies by advocating for legislation that keeps our businesses and communities strong.  Download the 2024 Oregon legislative report, prepared by Public Affairs Counsel, advocate on the legislative priorities for OSCC and the Oregon chambers OSCC represents. 
Oregon Business & Industry (OBI) is  the statewide association that advocates on behalf of businesses of all sizes, from all industries throughout the state of Oregon.  Download OBI’s 2024 End of Session Report.

2023 Legislative Session Recap/Report & "Call to Action" ARCHIVES

2023 Oregon legislative report, prepared by Public Affairs Counsel, advocate on the legislative priorities for OSCC and the Oregon chambers OSCC represents. 

ACTION ALERT!  Support Small Business (Archived 4/7/23)
Legislative bills would provide tax relief to Oregon small business.  The business community has a real opportunity to impact positive change in the legislature this session which would provide tax relief to thousands of small businesses across Oregon. 
          In the wake of a global pandemic, businesses across Oregon have continued to weather challenges like workforce shortages and economic uncertainty. The business community has rallied behind two bills, HB 2433 and SB 127, which would increase the exemption in the Corporate Activity Tax (CAT) from $1 million to $5 million for small businesses. This timely legislation would provide much needed tax relief to thousands of small businesses across Oregon.
          This is one of the most important issues the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) and chambers throughout Oregon are supporting this session. As it stands, 72% of businesses filing are under $5 million in commercial activity.  However, they only account for 6.5% of total CAT revenue. If enacted, this would have a direct impact on the majority of small businesses in the state.
          Chambers and small businesses raised the flag, and legislators are listening.  We encourage you to send a letter to your legislator and let them know that increasing the exemption in the CAT would truly make a difference in supporting local economies and keeping small businesses alive. The legislature needs to help turn Oregon into a more business-friendly state.
          The Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce has submitted a letter in support of HB 2433 and SB 127, but legislators need to hear from our members on the real-life impact this has on your business and the other businesses in our community.  The most important thing you can share is your personal business story.  The Oregon State Chamber of Commerce has provided a portal to submit your letter with additional information about the CAT tax. 


ACTION ALERT!  Oppose HB 3152 (Archived)
HB 3152 phases out the use of natural gas in the residential housing sector. It establishes that the policy of Oregon is to protect residential utility customers from risks of stranded fossil fuel assets and potential increases in energy burden while achieving state’s GHG emissions reduction goals. 
         HB 3152 prohibits, on or after January 1, 2026, use of funding from ratepayers to provide incentives or subsidies for the purchase or installation of gas appliances or devices for use by residential utility customers. It also prevents line extension allowances for new gas line extensions that support the use of gas in residential buildings. 
         Public hearing Monday, March 13.  Make your voice heard!  
         Your chamber’s testimony in opposition.  Testimony will be accepted until 3pm on Wednesday, March 15th! 


ACTION ALERT!  Support HB 3205 (Archived)
HB 3205 would help address workforce shortages.  Public hearing Monday, March 13.  Make your voice heard!
            Workforce shortages are a major challenge for Oregon businesses and have only become more pronounced since the pandemic. Retention and recruitment bonuses are one strategy that businesses use to attract and retain employees in every state in the country – except Oregon.
            In an effort to support employers during the pandemic, the Oregon legislature temporarily removed hiring and retention bonuses from Oregon’s Equity Pay Act, allowing businesses to pay bonuses in order to address workforce challenges. That exemption expired in September 2022.
            HB 3205 would exempt hiring and retention bonuses from the Equal Pay Act, giving Oregon businesses the tools they need to recruit and retain employees and keep local economies strong.  
      Read your chamber’s written testimony in support of HB 3205 HERE.
          A public hearing on HB 3205 will be held in the House Committee on Business and Labor on Monday, March 13 at 8:00 am.  Your chamber’s testimony in support.  


ACTION ALERT!  Support SB 795 (Archived)
Read your chamber’s written testimony in support of SB 795 HERE.  SB 795 would allow Forest Trust Land counties to determine their own economic future.  Public hearing Monday, February 27 – Make your voice heard!
          Legislators need to hear from local businesses in rural Oregon on SB 795 and the importance of utilizing our natural resources to protect rural economies and benefit our citizens.
           As you may know, the Oregon Board of Forestry is moving forward with the Western Oregon State Forests Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). The HCP would reduce nearly 35% of the timber harvest in state forests and have a major impact on counties that receive and depend on timber revenue to support their local communities.
          Oregon’s Forest Trust Land counties face a potential loss of millions of dollars for the wood products industry which will further hurt local governments, jobs, and essential services like public safety. SB 795 seeks to return these state forest lands to counties to be managed by local governments for the benefit of their citizens and economies.
          A jury has already determined that counties are missing out on over $1B in revenue due to state mismanagement of forest lands. A jury awarded damages in 2021. However, the Oregon Appeals court threw out the verdict and the Oregon Supreme Court refused to hear the case.
          That’s why SB 795 is needed. SB 795 returns state forest lands back to the counties that want them and can manage them for the benefit of their citizens. It returns power and economic self-determination back to our Forest Trust Land counties.
          A public hearing on SB 795 will be held in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources on Monday, February 27th.  Your chamber’s testimony in support.  

Each year, OSCC represents the legislative priorities of the 86 local chambers of commerce members of the OSCC. These priorities reflect our collective desire to support our local economies by advocating for legislation that keeps our businesses and communities strong.
         The 2023 Oregon legislative session proved to be one of the most chaotic and dramatic sessions in recent memory. There were significant changes to the make up of the legislature and its leadership, a new governor with new personnel, and the longest legislative stand-still in history. All in all, it was uncharted territory for everyone.
          Please download the 2023 Oregon legislative report, prepared by Public Affairs Counsel, advocate on the legislative priorities for OSCC and the Oregon chambers OSCC represents. 

Oregon’s 2023 Legislative Session–RACC Positions on Bills

The Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce monitors hundreds of business-related bills during each legislative session.  This list of bills the chamber supports or opposes grows as the session advances.  Below is a list of current bills the RACC has positions on, but check back frequently as the list is updated as appropriate.


Oregon House of Representatives


HB 2923–Related to predictive scheduling; imposing requirements on hospitals.

HB 2396–Related in indirect sources of air pollution.

HB 2494–Relating to local transient lodging taxes.

HB 2821–Relating to nonprofit corporations that receive public funds.

HB 3152–Relating to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

HB 3158–Relating to engine emissions; creating new provision.

HB 3159–Relating to funding to support species conservation; creating new provisions. Increases state TLT.



HB 2433–Relating to exempt amount under corporate activity tax (CAT); creating new provision.

HB 3078–Relating to designation of enterprise zones. 

HB 3205—Relating to the exemption of certain bonuses from pay equity requirements.


Oregon Senate


SB 803–Relating to diesel fuel.

SB 851–Relating to workplace psychological safety.

SB 907–Relating to employee’s rights to refuse to perform certain work assignments. 



SB 127–Relating to exempt amount under corporate activity (CAT) tax; creating new provisions.

SB 754–Relating to releases of liability.

SB 795–Directs State Board of Forestry to convey certain state forest lands to county that determines that county would secure greatest permanent value of lands to county.


(Archived 1/1/23) Roseburg Chamber Voices Concern Over Department of Forestry’s Draft Habitat Conservation Plan
On October 31, 2022, the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce provided written comments to the Oregon Board of Forestry to express concerns about the Oregon Department of Forestry’s draft Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and the associated draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).  Read the full text of the chamber’s letter.
(Archived 3/31/22) Comments Needed on Oregon OSHA’s Proposed Heat & Smoke Rules
Over the last two years, OR-OSHA has announced an unprecedented number of regulations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters.  Now, OR-OSHA is proposing the most aggressive wildfire smoke and heat illness prevention rules in the country, resulting in work stoppages for many employers across the state.  The Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) maintains, smoke and heat are environmental risks, not occupational hazards, and it is inappropriate for the agency to propose rules that will shut down small businesses who cannot afford to comply. 
          Worker advocates are mobilizing to demand paid time off to deal with smoke and heat and other environmental hazards and local businesses need to weigh in!  Please send your personalized comments to OR-OSHA at [email protected] by 5:00 PM on March 18. 
It is important the agency hears about how these overreaching rules will further burden local businesses in Oregon and particularly here in Douglas County.
         It’s important the agency hears about how these overreaching rules will further burden local businesses in Oregon.  The OSCC has prepared suggested comments here. We encourage you to personalize these comments for your business.
TAKE ACTION: Deadline March 18th, 5pm
          (1)  Submit comments from your business, using the suggested comments (link, above). Please personalize and send on your letterhead.
          (2)  The Oregon State Chamber has created an “Action Center” portal so your comments can be submitted by clicking here “SEND COMMENTS TODAY.”
Wildfire Smoke Rules (See proposed rules)
The basics:
  • When the air quality index (AQI) is 101, employees can choose to wear N95 respirator masks to protect themselves from wildfire smoke particulate. Employers are required provide these masks to employees.
  • When the AQI is 251, employees who are exposed to wildfire smoke are required to wear an N95 respirator, and employers are required to enforce that requirement, but employers are NOT required to implement a full respiratory protection program.
  • When AQI is above 500, respirators must be worn by all employees, but the respiratory protection rule is also triggered, meaning that all employees must undergo medical evaluations and fit testing (many employers will be forced to stop work because a company-wide respiratory protection program is not cost effective).
Heat Illness Prevention Rules (See proposed rules)
The basics:
  • The heat prevention rules apply in both indoor and outdoor environments.
  • At a heat index of 80 degrees: shade is required; sufficient water is required.
  • At a heat index of 90 degrees: shade and water are required; 10-minute cool down breaks are required every 2 hours; employees must be monitored for heat illness; communication with employees must be maintained; employers must have an emergency medical plan; employers must have an acclimatization plan in place for employees.
  • At and above a heat index of 95 degrees, the rules require paid rest breaks of between 15-45 mins per hour, depending on a variety of factors including work type and employee attire (many employers will be forced to stop work because the paid work-rest break schedule is cost prohibitive).
(Archived 3/1/22) Chamber Supports SB 1501 & SB 1502/ Oregon’s Private Forest Accord
UPDATE:  Pleased to update passage of Oregon’s Private Forest Accord.  Last year private forestry representatives, small forestland owners and conservation groups struck a historic agreement designed to end decades of nasty conflict and expensive lawsuits.
            The Private Forest Accord asks forest landowners and wood products manufacturers to make significant sacrifices, but here’s why the sacrifice is worth it:
For years, litigious environmental activists have threatened to lock up our forests with lawsuits over fish, salamanders and frogs. This compromise will put those fights to rest – for the next fifty years. So one of Oregon’s most important sectors can keep doing what it does best . . . actively manage our forests.
          The Oregon Legislature needs to pass Senate Bill 1501 and Senate Bill 1502 to codify the agreement in state law.
            On February 23, the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce voiced its support and urged elected officials in Salem to vote “Yes” on SB 1501 and SB 1502, and put Oregon’s new Private Forest Accord into state law.    
            In its urging for passage, the chamber expressed that we “understand that this Accord isn’t perfect. But the sacrifice is worth it to avoid unpredictable lawsuits over fish, salamanders and frogs that threaten to lock up our forests and create an uncertain and volatile future for important Oregon businesses and the tens of thousands of family-wage jobs they support.
            The chamber asked legislators to “please back this compromise. It’s time to move on from the timber wars of the past. Please support Senate Bill 1501 and Senate Bill 1502 and give the Private Forest Accord a chance to work.”
(Archived 3/1/22) Chamber Opposes HB 4002A/Ag Overtime Bill
UPDATE:  Unfortunately HB 4002A passed.  Overtime wages for agriculture workers – HB 4002A – continues to be the biggest labor debate of the 2022 session.  
            HB 4002A would require agricultural employers to pay farmworkers overtime payments for all hours worked over 40 per week by 2027. While this phase-in does include a tax credit that is phased-out at the same time, this is not a workable solution for those in agriculture. Our local farmers will be left without the resources they need to keep their business running or their workers employed.
            The agricultural community has come to the table to find a workable solution for both farmers and their employees; however, labor advocates have refused to negotiate.
          On February 23, the Roseburg Area Chamber urged legislators to OPPOSE HB 4002A.  UPDATE:  Unfortunately, the bill passed.  In a letter, the chamber asserted, that HB 4002A would “have a devastating impact on our local farms and rural communities. It has far-reaching impacts on so many of our essential industries, from dairies, to vineyards, to local berry farms and orchards.
            Farmers and their employees work unique hours in order to plant, harvest and maintain crops and livestock. This requires a flexible workforce, meaning a straight across 40-hours threshold simply does not work.
            Most farmers are price takers (not price makers) will not be able to afford the increased payroll costs. This will in turn hurt the very workers this bill proposes to help – providing them with fewer hours, fewer benefits, and fewer jobs. All this will lead to the loss of Oregon family farms and the deterioration of rural communities. 
            The agricultural community has offered several alternative solutions, but labor advocates have refused to come to the table.
            Oregon’s family farms are the heart of our rural communities and an important driver of our local economy. HB 4002A will cost jobs, loss of worker income and, in the end, mean the closure of family farms and ranches across the state.”
            The chamber asked legislators “to stand with our agricultural community and protect Oregon’s rural way of life. Please OPPOSE HB 4002A and work with farmers to find a lasting solution.”  
(Archived 12/21/21)  Submit Comments on Paid Family & Medical Leave
The Oregon Employment Department (OED) has published the first round of rules related to the paid family and medical leave program that will begin January 1, 2023. OED needs to hear from our members about how these rules will impact your business.
          OED has broken up the draft rules in four areas to review, Self Employed, Small Employers and Grants, Contributions and Wages, and Outreach. The proposed rules will significantly impact small businesses, including how employees are counted when determining the size of the employer and making it more difficult and costly to obtain an assistance grant.
          Oregon Business & Industry (OBI) has put together some talking points that may be helpful for some of the major issues related to the program. Written comments can be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] no later than Monday, December 20, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.


Oregon State Chamber Recaps Oregon’s 2021 Legislative Session
The Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) works tirelessly, especially during Oregon’s legislative session to represent the interests of chambers and the business community in Oregon and support the work your chamber does on behalf of local business.  OSCC prepared a 2021 Legislative Session Report.  Click here to read the full report.  

CALLS TO ACTION!  (Archived)

Call to Action! Stop Surprise Tax Increase on Oregon Businesses…Hearing TODAY
SB 137-2 would require forgiven PPP loan amounts in excess of $100,000 be added back as “taxable income” for Oregon businesses that used the program exactly the way it was intended. It is an unfair, retroactive tax increase on Oregon businesses at time when Oregon is already projected to bring in more revenue than ever before. The Legislative Revenue Office estimates this unnecessary tax increase will cost Oregon businesses $450-$600 million.
          Oregon does not need the money.  The May Revenue Forecast was incredibly strong, projecting a $2.8 billion positive ending balance. This amounts to a $1.1 billion increase from the March Revenue Forecast and a $2.3 billion increase from the 2019 Close of Session Forecast. The state has also been allocated $2.6 billion in direct financial aid from the Biden Administration’s American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, in addition to ARPA funds for local jurisdictions. Given this, there is no budgetary justification for tax increases of any sort, including taxation of forgiven PPP loans.
Weigh in to make your voice heard at TODAY’S hearing:
Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
Tuesday, May 25th, 3:15pm
STOP the Surprise Tax Increase
  How to Submit Testimony
  1. Provide your letter of testimony on your Chamber letterhead. Please provide specific, local examples where possible. You will want to create a PDF of your letter to upload.
  2. Submit your letter through the Testimony Portal on the Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS). You will find this link at the bottom of the committee page on the “Click to Submit Testimony”
  3. When submitting testimony, you will need to: 
You can also register to testify remotely. You MUST register in order to testify. Registration closes at the time the meeting begins. 
Comments Needed to Oregon OSHA by April 2 
Local businesses have borne the brunt of the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Employers have been tasked with enforcing the Governor’s mask mandate, enforcing the 6-foot social distancing requirements, among countless other mandates. 
            Now, OR-OSHA is considering the adoption of permanent COVID-19 Workplace Rules that layer new regulations on local employers nearly 14-months into the pandemic. 
            OR-OSHA should be providing workers and local businesses with certainty that their efforts to vaccinate and social distance are acknowledged, not creating new mandates that add costs as we work to reopen the economy.
            OR-OSHA needs to hear from concerned employers and workers about the proposed scope COVID-19 workplace rules.  Urge OR-OSHA to reset their approach to this pandemic.  Our local employers and workers should not be further penalized by government overreach.   Please also consider sending a copy of your comments to your local state legislator here:  Find Your Legislator
            To submit written comments, put your letter of comments on your business letter. If possible, provide specific examples related to your business or general local business examples.  You can download talking/comment points here
            Submit written comments by April 2, 2021.  Three options to send your comments to OR OSHA:
            Email:             Administrator Michael Wood:  [email protected]
            Mail:               Administrator Michael Wood
                                    Department of Consumer Business Services
                                    Oregon OSHA
                                    P.O. Box 14480
                                    Salem, OR  97309
            Online:            Oregon State Chamber of Commerce’s Action Center
                                    SEND YOUR MESSAGE TODAY
           For up-to-date information on chamber testimony and positions on proposed legislation during Oregon’s 2021 session, check out our “Current News” online.
Tell Congress Small Businesses Need Unrestricted Grants to Survive!
Your chamber continues to work with the nationwide Save Small Business Coalition to bring attention to our congressional leaders that many small businesses cannot take on more debt and they need grant funding; grants that provide flexibility so businesses can use the funds as they see fit. One of the goals is to help newer businesses and under-resourced businesses who have fallen through the cracks.  With one click . . . okay, two clicks, you can add your voice to thousands across the country in support of our local businesses, by sending this message to Congress!
Submit Testimony in Support of HB 3177 Today!
          HB 3177, The COVID Business Equity Act would, if passed, prevent the Governor from shutting down restaurants and gyms in any further emergency declaration. CLICK HERE TO READ THE BILL
            HB 3177 has a hearing before the House Committee on Economic Recovery and Prosperity on Thursday, February 25.  Written testimony from the public in support of this bill is immensely important.  So many of these small businesses, and the citizens they employ, have been adversely impacted in our community and across the state.  Please take a few minutes to show your support of our small local businesses, by submitting written testimony in support of HB 3177.
            A reminder of how we submit public testimony during COVID: 
  • CLICK HERE for the link that will take you to the House Committee on Economic Recovery and Prosperity. 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click on the link that says, “Click to Submit Testimony” or Click Here to go directly to that page. 
  • Once there, click on the circle next to HB 3177 under “Choose the bill for your testimony.”
  • Then proceed to fill out the necessary information, whether you SUPPORT or oppose the bill. You will then have the opportunity to either upload a PDF or click the TEXT bubble to draft your testimony or cut and paste it in the space provided.
  • After you are finished with your testimony, make sure you hit the “SUBMIT TESTIMONY” button at the bottom of the page. 
           For up-to-date information on chamber testimony and positions on proposed legislation during Oregon’s 2021 session, check out our “Current News” online.
Chamber Testimony Supporting HB 2638 in Defense of Local Businesses
          The Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce submitted written testimony in support of HB 2638, COVID Liability Protections for Business, which would offer COVID liability protection for businesses, frontline medical providers and other entities.  HB 2638 would ensure that businesses acting in good faith would be protected from unwarranted lawsuits. It recognizes the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 emergency and provides timely and targeetd protections for businesses at a time when they need it most. CLICK HERE TO READ THE BILL
            HB 2638 is being heard by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Civil Law on Wednesday , February 24.  
           For up-to-date information on chamber testimony and positions on proposed legislation during Oregon’s 2021 session, check out our “Current News” online.
Oppose HB 2205
       HB 2205 would establish a procedure for any person to bring action in the name of the state to recover civil penalties for violation of state law. CLICK HERE TO READ THE BILL
           HB 2205 has a hearing before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Civil Law on Wednesday, February 24.  This bill creates a mechanism that allows for private lawsuits on behalf of the State for the potential violation of ANY Oregon statute.  This is a citizen suit provision on steroids, hiding under the guise of assisting state agencies with enforcing their rules and laws or providing justice to workers. If history tells us anything, neither of those outcomes is likely to occur, although local businesses will suffer greatly.
          The endless lawsuits proposed in HB 2205 threaten every employer in Oregon. Only one state has adopted similar policy, and California’s Private Attorney General Act (PAGA) has devastated the state’s business community. Each year in California, businesses face approximately 4,000 PAGA lawsuits, forcing employers into costly settlements, and many for minor or innocent mistakes. Note that California’s PAGA law only applies to labor policy and is still incredibly damaging. HB 2205 applies to every law on the books in Oregon.
          This extreme proposal couldn’t come at a worse time for Oregon businesses. Oregon employers have been tasked with implementing and enforcing Oregon’s long list of continuously changing COVID-19 mandates and guidelines. They must consistently monitor evolving guidance and rules at the local, state, and federal levels and implement those changes on the ground. Unfortunately, in this rapidly changing regulatory landscape, minor mistakes do occur. However, HB 2205 offers employers no grace and allows anyone to sue for an alleged violation on behalf of the State of Oregon.
          Ask your legislators and the Subcommittee on Civil Law to OPPOSE HB 2205 and any PAGA-related bills.  A reminder of how we submit public testimony during COVID: 
Testimony in Support of SB 531!
          The Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce submitted written testimony in support of SB 531, which would establish a right to reimbursement for actual damages resulting from cessation of business operations required by emergency rules or orders.  The written testimony was presented to Oregon’s Senate Committee on Veterans and Emergency Preparedness at its February 18, 2021 hearing.  
Let’s Make Sure the Voice of Businesses in Rural Oregon are Heard!
          It is so important that our members testify on bills that are important to them, their industry(ies) and our local, rural business community. The Oregon Legislative Assembly has established a process to accept remote verbal public testimony on bills by video or phone during this time, in addition to written public testimony.
          Detailed information about how to testify in the 2021 Oregon Legislative Session is outlined in this “How to Testify” guideline.  Be sure and download it for use during the session!