Advocating For Business Success
At the heart of the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce’s (“RACC”) service to its members and the Douglas County’s business community, is the government affairs and political advocacy work it does on behalf of business.
The mission of the RACC through its government affairs activities and political advocacy is to represent and protect the interests of the Douglas County business community. To this end, the chamber monitors the issues and activities of local, state and federal government and, when appropriate takes positions of support or opposition on behalf of business. In further pursuit of the most business-friendly environment possible, the chamber will solicit pro-business candidates to serve on commissions and run for public office. The RACC board of directors will endorse candidates for public office when it determines the mission of the chamber will be best served by the election of said candidates.
In detail the RACC:
- Works to ensure business-friendly elected officials by identifying and soliciting potential candidates to run for local and state offices; provides candidate education and training, when needed; provides chamber board endorsements; assists with campaign efforts; recommends financial support through a separate entity–Roseburg Area Chamber Political Action Committee.
- Works to stop anti-business, anti-economic growth propositions by opposing issues, ordinances, referendums, ballot measures, legislation and administrative rules at the local, state and federal level.
- Works to advocate for pro-business propositions by supporting issues ordinances, referendums, ballot measures, legislation and administrative rules at local, state and federal levels.
- Utilizes advocacy tools including, grassroots organization of members and member calls to action; submitting written and/or oral testimony; regular communications and face-to-face meetings with elected officials; press releases/media letter writing campaigns and keeping members educated and informed on the issues.
- Keeps our members informed, educated and connected through bi-monthly e-newsletter, “Chamber News” membership email blasts, website updates, calls to action, position papers/fact sheets, membership luncheon programs and legislative session calls with our counties state delegation.
RACC’s government affairs activities can change year to year. Some of RACC’s priorities, activities and accomplishments over previous years include: defeating Measrue 118, ensuring the pro-business candidates are elected to local offices, defeating the proposed home rule charter for Douglas County and more. The RACC continues to fight for PERS reform and opposes corporate gross receipt tax legislation, Cap and Trade and advocates for less burdensome employment mandates in rural Oregon.
The RACC outlines its priority positions on local, state and federal issues every two years. Details regarding those positions can be found in its 2025-26 Public Affairs and Legislative Agenda. For RACC’s current legislative and local government affairs activities and positions Click Here.
Neil D. Hummel

“For The Neil Company Real Estate, the Chamber means community and change! It offers its membership strength in numbers on political, business and social issues that as one person or… Read more “Neil D. Hummel”
Kent Rochester

“The chamber acts as a unified voice as well as a partner for our business community. It continues to be the driving force locally for free enterprise, providing political advocacy,… Read more “Kent Rochester”
Todd Way

“The Roseburg Area Chamber does an excellent job advocating for local business, bringing businesses together and supporting our local community.”
Gary Crowe

“I believe the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce represents the best interest of business in our community.”