Political Action Committee
Roseburg Area Chamber Political Action Committee "RACPAC"
The Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce (“RACC”) does not use its members’ annual investments in the organization for political advocacy financially supporting candidates or supporting/opposing issues and ballot measures. A portion of members’ annual dues (approximately 10%) are as a rule of law considered a non-business deduction as these funds support staff’s routine meetings and interaction with elected officials, which is considered government affairs activity.
For financial support of RACC-endorsed candidates and ballot measures or to fund opposition to anti-business measures the RACC formed a separate legal political action committee, the Roseburg Area Chamber Political Action Committee (“RACPAC”). The RACPAC has a separate board of directors whose primary responsibility is to manage and monitor PAC fundraising and funds and to determine the amount of financial support from the PAC for candidates and measures endorsed by the RACC board and for opposition campaigns supported by the chamber.
As the RACC continues to identify and support pro-business candidates and fight against anti-business initiatives the RACPAC will continue to financially support these RACC positions. Since its inception the RACPAC has been funded by specific contributions and our members have generously contributed over the past ten years both during annual membership investment renewal and in response to direct fundraising efforts.
Individuals, businesses or non-profit organizations can make PAC contributions at any time. The RACPAC reports all contributions to the state, donor gifts of $100 or more become a matter of public record. Oregon is currently the only state in the nation that allows a dollar for dollar tax credit ($50 for single filers and a $100 for joint filers) for PAC contributions.
If you are interested in supporting the chambers pro-business agenda with a financial contribution to the PAC, please make your check out to the RACPAC and mail to PO Box 1026 Roseburg, OR 97470.
One-on-One Discussions with State Legislators
Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce leadership regularly meets with legislators and local elected officials and staff. The interaction with Douglas County’s state delegation increases during the legislative sessions. There are also occasions where the chamber provides a RACC member-only benefit opportunity to speak with state representatives, state senators or other elected officials.
Scott D. Bolton

“Pacific Power recognizes the significant contribution the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce has made to protect the businesses and jobs that keep this community running, even in the most challenging… Read more “Scott D. Bolton”
Gary Leif

“The Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce is a vital part for growth and development for our area.”