The chamber is accepting applications for its 2024-25 year of the acclaimed leadership program. The chamber’s 35th year of Project Leadership Roseburg begins on September 12. For details about this distinguished leadership program, check out the chamber’s May/June issue of Business Perspectives newsletter. For 2024-25 curriculum, program specifics and application forms, CLICK HERE! Mail your application and a check […]
Roseburg's Hometown 4th of July event is held at the Douglas County Speedway. Daytime events start at 4:00 pm with the fireworks show beginning around 10 pm. For more details visits Roseburg Hometown 4th of July.
Glide Sasquatch Festival . . . Where the feet are big and the party is even bigger! For more details about festival activities visit Glide Sasquatch Festival.
The chamber is accepting applications for its 2024-25 year of the acclaimed leadership program. The chamber’s 35th year of Project Leadership Roseburg begins on September 12. For details about this distinguished leadership program, check out the chamber’s May/June issue of Business Perspectives newsletter. For 2024-25 curriculum, program specifics and application forms, CLICK HERE! Mail your application and a check […]