COVID-19 Business Recovery Resource Center Library (Archived)
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce made it a priority to keep its members informed of the very latest news, mandates, businesses assistance offerings, reopening guidelines, recovery efforts and more. This Business Recovery Resource Center Library was updated almost every day with new and current information.
What’s New!
Indoor Mask Mandate Ends March 12
Governor Kate Brown announced Monday, February 28 that the state’s indoor mask mandate for employers and public spaces will end March 12, updating the previously announced date of March 19, as the end of Oregon’s indoor-mask requirements.
The Governor made the announcement in concert with Washington and California. The joint press release attributed the three-state shift to falling case rates and hospitalizations. Though the mandate will end March 12, the state’s permanent COVID rule governing workplaces, adopted in December, remains in effect. Business organizations throughout the state have urged the state to repeal this rule since there is no longer a need.
Yesterday’s announcement does not apply to mandates in health-care settings or public transportation. Meanwhile, employers may adopt their own mask requirements to protect employees and customers.
OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate-or-Test Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) Reinstated
On Friday (December 17, 2021) night, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated the Biden Administration’s rules mandating employers with 100 or more employees to require workers to either be vaccinated or complete weekly testing for COVID-19. It was expected the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) would be on hold pending legal challenges, but a federal appeals court overturned the stay.
Updated information has been posted on the OSHA ETS website at With this decision, OSHA has now pushed both initial ETS effective dates out 5 weeks stating it “will not issue citations for noncompliance with any requirements of the ETS before January 10 and will not issue citations for noncompliance with the standard’s testing requirements before February 9, so long as an employer is exercising reasonable, good faith efforts to come into compliance with the standard.”
Oregon is a state with its own OSHA program. As such, Oregon OSHA has jurisdiction over workplace health and safety in the state. What a new federal standard triggers is a requirement that Oregon OSHA adopts a rule that is “at least as effective” as the federal version.
To be considered “as least as effective” as federal OSHA, Oregon OSHA is required to adopt the same or similar standard by January 24, 2022. Like the federal standard, the anticipated effective date of the Oregon standard would be 30 days from adoption.
The chamber will keep you, our members, advised regarding Oregon OSHA’s adopted ETS as soon as we have that information.
Statewide Mask Mandate Extended to Outdoors
In an announcement on August 24, Governor Brown stated that masks will be required in all public outdoor settings where physical distancing is not possible, regardless of vaccination status. Following the announcement last week from Governor Brown, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) released the accompanying rules for all indoor and outdoor spaces, excluding private homes.
The outdoor mask mandate went into effect Friday, August 27. Essentially, OHA has amended the indoor mask rule to include outdoor areas (the indoor mask mandate has been in effect since August 13).
All individuals five and over are required to wear a mask, face covering or face shield at all times when in indoor spaces and in an outdoor space if they cannot or do not consistently maintain at least six feet of distance from others. The rules apply to most outdoor spaces but not private homes or homeless camps. There are also the usual exceptions (sleeping, eating, drinking, etc.).
As with indoor spaces, people responsible for outdoor areas will have to post signs at all entrances and are expected to enforce the requirements for employees.
The requirements will be enforced by Oregon OSHA in most cases, but OHA does have penalty authority in the rule and may assess penalties against individuals who refuse to comply.
The OHA is also strongly recommending masking for outdoor gatherings at private residences when maintaining physical distance is not possible with individuals from different households.
Statewide Mask Mandate Effective August 13
Following the Governor’s reinstatement of the statewide mask mandate, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Oregon Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) have published new rules and guidance for indoor public settings. Check out OHA’s Indoor Masking FAQs.
View the new OHA mask rules here. The OSHA enforcement guidance can be found here and a memo on the change in COVID rules can be found here.
Here’s what our businesses need to know.
Employers are required to ensure that employees, contractors and volunteers wear face masks and make “reasonable efforts” to ensure that customers, guests, visitors and others comply with the requirement. Employers must post signs at every entrance informing individuals that face masks are required. OHA has produced a sign that employers may use, but you are permitted to use your own sign as long as it clearly states the requirements of the OHA rule.
In the enforcement memo OSHA describes what they will consider as evidence that an employer is making a “reasonable effort” to ensure customers, guests, visitors and others are complying if the employer:
- Ensures employees are wearing face coverings
- If practical, provides a regular audio reminder using existing systems – for example, if a store traditionally makes announcements to customers over an audio system, the face mask requirement should also be provided. If a business does not traditionally have such a system or make announcements over a system, they are not required to do so.
- Does not actively contradict the rule requirements – such as posting signs that undercut the message that masks are required or that suggest the business disagrees with the requirement.
Some modifications to the COVID rules included in the memo:
- Physical distancing is no longer required outside of healthcare workplaces.
- Mask requirements will be back in effect after being repealed on June 30.
- Regular cleaning and sanitization requirements are not being enforced outside of healthcare workplaces.
OHA’s rule provides for a $500 per day per violation against individuals who violate the mask requirement and for businesses who fail to abide by the rules. OSHA also has penalty authority against employers and may assess penalties. However, OSHA will be enforcing on a complaint basis and has said they will give employers a grace period of two weeks to come into compliance before conducting inspections. OSHA’s penalty structure is based on the severity of the violation, the employer’s history of compliance and employer size. Temporary mask rules from Oregon OSHA were issued late Friday afternoon.
New Masking Rules Released
Today, new masking rules were released, which apply broadly to nearly all indoor spaces. Read the new mask rules here.
Effective tomorrow, August 13, masks must be worn in indoor spaces, broadly defined as: public and private workplaces, businesses, indoor areas open to the public, building lobbies, common or shared spaces, classrooms, elevators, bathrooms, transportation services and other indoor space where people may gather for any purpose. An indoor space does not include a private residence or a private automobile being used for personal use and that is not used for ride sharing.
The new mask rules apply regardless of vaccination status, although the rules provide an exemption for a workspace that is fully enclosed by walls and a door. We want to draw your attention to a requirement that a person responsible for an indoor space must (section 5a-c):
- Ensure that employees, contractors, and volunteers comply with this rule within the indoor space
- Make reasonable efforts to ensure customers, guests, visitors and other individuals comply with this rule within the indoor space.
- Post signs at every entrance to the indoor space that face coverings are required as described in this rule.
We anticipate the release of OR-OSHA rules tomorrow, further explaining enforcement, as well as new signage released by OHA or OR-OSHA tomorrow.
PPP Loan Forgiveness Portal Open
The Small Business Administration is currently accepting applications through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Forgiveness Portal which is a streamlined application portal that allows borrowers with PPP loans $150,000 or less through participating lenders to apply for forgiveness directly through the SBA. To learn more see the SBA press release regarding loan forgiveness or contact your local lender directly.
Oregon is Open for Business!
COVID Restrictions Lifted. Oregon’s risk-based system for COVID-19 regulations ended at midnight on June 29/12:00 AM June 30.
Oregon Health Authority (“OHA”) is still working on a few documents clarifying the following items:
- What falls under the health care system (and therefore is still subject to mask requirements).
- A definition of transit (and therefore is still subject to mask requirements) and the remaining rules there.
- Isolation/quarantine rules and recommendations.
- Travel advisory updates.
These should be posted on June 30 at:
Oregon OSHA has issued temporary rules that repeal the mask and distancing requirements. Members can find the rule here and the appendices here.
Many of the other elements of the OSHA rule related to quarantine, isolation, public health notification of positive tests, maintenance of infection control plans, etc. will remain in effect for the time being. The rule will continue to make clear that any employee that wishes to wear a face covering must be allowed to do so.
Updated Guidance for Schools, Child Care and Summer Youth Programs
The Oregon Health Authority has updated guidance for schools, child care and youth programs (including overnight camps).
Schools Guidance (Effective June 30, 2021)
Child Care Guidance (Effective June 30, 2021)
Youth Programs Guidance (Effective June 28, 2021)
First Point of Information About COVID-19
211 Info: Novel Coronavirus
American Red Cross: COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Coronavirus Website
COVID-19 Guidelines for America:
Douglas County Official News Releases: Local Updates COVID-19
Douglas Public Health Network: COVID-19
FEMA: COVID-19 Fact Sheet / Use of DPA
FEMA: COVID-19 Materials in Spanish
FEMA: COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
FEMA: COVID-19 Funeral Assistance FAQ
FEMA: COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Flyer
FEMA: How to Help
FEMA: Manufacturing of PPE
FEMA: Private Sector PPE Exchange Dashboard
FEMA: Public Assistance – Emergency Manager Contacts
FEMA: Rumor Control
FEMA: Vaccine Information and Resources Guide
Internal Revenue Service (IRS): Coronavirus Tax Relief
Internal Revenue Service: Economic Impact Payments
League of Oregon Cities: Resource Center
Oregon Department of Agriculture: COVID-19 Information
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife: Hunting & Fishing Regulations Amid COVID-19 Restrictions
Oregon Department of Forestry: ODF Updates Around COVID-19 Restrictions
Oregon Department of Revenue: Tax Relief Options
Oregon Early Learning: Individuals Seeking Child Care can use the following:
Call 211 or 1-866-698-6155, listen for “Child Care” prompt or
Oregon Health Authority: Case Tracker Dashboard
Oregon Health Authority: Statewide Face Mask, Face Covering, Face Shield Guidance (Updated: 10.19.20)
Oregon Health Authority: Oregon Coronavirus Updates
Oregon Health Authority: Phase 1 Reopening Guidance for the Public
OHSU Website: Resources for Coronavirus in Oregon
Senator Jeff Merkley Office: Coronavirus Resource Page
State of Oregon: COVID-19 FAQs in Spanish
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: COVID-19 Medical Advisory Panel
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-12
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-13
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-14
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-25
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-27
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-30
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-38
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-56
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-58
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-59
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-65
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-66
State of Oregon, Office of the Governor: Executive Order 20-67
Travel Oregon: COVID-19 Resources & Updates
Washington Department of Health: ASL/Captioned COVID-19 Educational Videos
World Health Organization: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak
Business/Employer Recovery Resources
Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce: Business Resource Guide for Reopening
Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce: Free PPE Program for Roseburg Businesses
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Main Street Lending Program
Building Owners and Managers Association: Getting Back to Work
Business Oregon: Small Business Resource Navigator & Small Business Grants
CARES Act: Background and State and Local Allocations
CCD: COVID-19 Loan Program and Emergency Small Business & Microenterprise Grant Program
CDC: Cleaning Disinfection Decision Tool
CDC: Reopening America Guidance
CDC Website for Employers: CDC Business Guide
CISA: Guidance on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce
CISA: Operations Center & Control Room Guide
Douglas County: COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant Program
FEMA: COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
FEMA: COVID-19 Funeral Assistance FAQ
FEMA: COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Flyer
Lowe’s Home Improvement: Grants for Small Business
National Main Street Center: Small Business Assessment Impacts of COVID-19
OSHA Temporary Rule Adressing COVID-19 Workplace Risks
OSHA Temporary COVID-19 Rules (11/16/20-5/4/21) Resource Sheet
OSHA Fact Sheet for COVID-19 Temporary Rule for All Workplaces
OSHA Question & Answers Regarding OSHA COVID-19 Temporary Rule for All Workplaces
OSHA Online Education Course for Employers Re: COVID-19 Temporary Rule for Workplaces
OSHA COVID-19 Workplace Poster-English
OSHA COVID-19 Workplace Poster-Spanish
OSHA Exposure Risk Assessment Template
OSHA Infectious Disease Rulemaking
OSHA Overview Table for COVID-19 Temporary Rule
OSHA Model Policy for Notification of Employees When COVID-19 Exposure Occurs
OSHA Model Policy for Notification of Employees When COVID-19 Exposure Occurs-Spanish
OSHA 3990: Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
OSHA: COVID-19 Workplace Advisory Memo Regarding Face Masks / Covering
Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries: COVID-19 Resources
Call Line for Employers: 971-673-0824
Oregon Community Foundation: Oregon Community Recovery Grant Program
Oregon Economic Development Association: ODEA Assistance
Oregon Employment Department: COVID-19 Related Business Layoffs, Closures & Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Oregon Employment Department Email for Employer Questions: Email
Oregon Employment Department: Federal CARES Act (makes self-employed & independent contractors eligible)
Oregon Employment Department: Unemployment Assistance for Self-Employed & Contract Workers
Oregon Health Authority: General Guidance for Employers – MAX OCCUPANCY SIGN
Oregon Health Authority: Sector Guidance – GYMS & FITNESS FACILITIES
Oregon Health Authority: Gyms & Fitness Facilities Reopening FAQ
Oregon Health Authority: Mask & Face Covering Guidance–Updated 8/17/21
Oregon Health Authority: Sector Guidance – OUTDOOR RECREATION
Oregon Health Authority: Sector Guidance – PERSONAL SERVICES
Oregon Health Authority: Personal Services FAQ
Oregon Health Authority: Recreational Sports FAQ
Oregon Health Authority: Restaurants/Bars Reopening FAQ
Oregon Health Authority: Sector Guidance – RETAIL
Oregon Health Authority: Retail FAQ
Oregon Health Authority: Sector Guidance – SUMMER CAMPS
Oregon Health Authority: Sector Guidance – SUMMER SCHOOLS & SUMMER PROGRAMS
Oregon Health Authority: Swimming Pools, Spas & Sports courts FAQ
Oregon Health Authority: Sector Guidance – TRANSIT AGENCIES
Oregon Health Authority: Venue & Event Operator FAQ
Oregon Home Builders Association: COVID-19 Construction Industry Job Site Recommendations
OMEP: COVID-19 Resources for Manufacturers
OMEP: Email for Grant Funding for Businesses Retooling to Supply COVID-19 Related Products
Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association: Safety Checklist for Restaurants & Lodging
Oregon State Chamber of Commerce: OCSS’s Coronavirus Resource Guide
Oregon Water Enhancement Board: Grant Funding for Water-related Project Impacts
SBA: COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan Application
SBA: Disaster Assistance Resources
SBA: Disaster Assistance Worksheet
SBA: Disaster Loan Application
SBA: Faith Based Organizations FAQ
SBA: Oregon Lenders 2020
SBA: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Borrower Application Form
SBA: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Application
SBA: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Application Form 3508S (PPP Loans Less than $50K)
SBA: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Application Form 3508S Instructions for Borrowers
SBDC: Guide for Navigating a Business Crisis
SAIF: What Employers Need to Know About Workers’ Compensation and Cornoavirus
Senator Jeff Merkley Office: Economic Recovery Page
SOWIB: COVID-19 Resources & Information
State of Oregon: $55 Million Dedicated to Businesses Impacted by “Freeze”
State of Oregon: Coronavirus Resources, Student Loans
State of Oregon: Office of Small Business Assistance
State of Oregon: PPE Portal
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – County Guidance
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – Douglas County Approved
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – Gatherings
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – Indoor & Outdoor Recreation Facilities Guidance
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – Outdoor Recreation
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – Recreational Sport Guidance
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – Restaurants & Bars Guidance
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – Swimming Pools, Spas & Sports Courts Guidance
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – Venues & Event Operators
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening – Zoos/Museums/Gardens
State of Oregon: Phase II Reopening PowerPoint
State of Oregon: Reopening Webinar – PERSONAL SERVICES
State of Oregon: Reopening Webinar – RESTAURANTS/BARS/TASTING ROOMS
State of Oregon: Reopening Webinar – RETAIL
State of Oregon: Reopening Webinar – VENUES & EVENTS
State of Oregon: Utility and Telecommunications Assistance
Travel Oregon: COVID-19 Travel & Tourism Resources & Updates
Travel Oregon: Tourism Industry Businesses – How Can We Help? Online Form
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Corporate Aid Tracker
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Covid-19 Vaccine Resource Center
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Guidance for Employers
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Guide to Coronavirus Paid Leave Programs
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Guide to Employee Retention Tax Credit
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Guide to SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Independent Contractors Guide to CARES Act Relief
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Independent Contractors Guide to CARES Act Relief (In Spanish)
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Guide
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Navigating PPP Loan Forgiveness Process (Help Video)
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Reopening Business Digital Resources Center
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Reopening Business Digital Resource Center Toolkit
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation: Resilience in a Box
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Small Business ELA Loan Guide
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Small Business Reopening Playbook (English)
U.S. Chamber if Commerce: Small Business Reopening Playbook (Spanish)
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Workplace Tips
U.S. Department of Labor: New Guidance for Unemployment Insurance
USDA: COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide
USDA Rural Development: Distance Learning & Telemedicine Grants
USDA Rural Development: Immediate Measures to Help Rural Residents, Businesses & Communities
USDA Food Assistance Program 2
Workers Comp & COVID: Employer Responsibilities
WorkShare Oregon: Leverage Unemployment Insurance
WorkSource Oregon: Contact Information
Current News / COVID-19 Pandemic
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Declined?
Effective immediately, applicants can send a request for reevaluation of a Targeted EIDL Advance application that was declined to the following email address:
Applicants should follow these instructions when requesting a reevaluation:
- Send an email to
- Use the subject line “Reevaluation Request for [insert your 10-digit application number]”
- In the body of the email, include identifying information for the application such as application number, business name, business address, business owner name(s) and phone number
- Important: Include an explanation and any documentation that addresses the reason for the decline, if available. SBA will contact applicants if additional documentation is required to complete the review.
American Rescue Plan Act to Provide More Small Business Assistance
The American Rescue Plan Act was signed into law on March 11, 2021 by President Biden. The Act provides additional relief for the nation’s small businesses and, specifically, hard-hit industries. The new law includes:
- ADDITIONAL: $7.25 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program, including to expand eligibility to additional nonprofits and digital news services;
- ADDITIONAL: Funds are allocated for the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program, and now allows businesses to apply for both a PPP loan after Dec. 27, 2020, and the SVOG;
- ADDITIONAL: $15 billion for Targeted Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance (EIDL) payments, including NEW $5 billion for Supplemental Targeted EIDL Advance payments for those hardest hit;
- NEW: $28.6 billion for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund for industry-focused grants;
- NEW: $100 million to establish a Community Navigator pilot program; grants will go to eligible organizations supporting efforts to improve access to COVID–19 pandemic assistance programs and resources.
News Releases & Other Important Information from Douglas County's COVID-19 Response Team
Douglas County and the Douglas County COVID-19 Response Team issues daily updates and joint news releases related to the COVID-19 pandemic. For the most current information from local officials, see Special Local Updates COVID-19
Archived News / COVID-19 Pandemic
Archived News (October 1, 2021)
COVID-19-Related Tax Credits for Small and Midsize Businesses Providing Paid Leave
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 amended and extended the tax credits (and availability of advance payments of the tax credits) for paid sick and family leave for wages paid for the period beginning April 1, 2021 and ending on September 30, 2021. Updates on these tax credits will be found HERE.
Archived News (July 1, 2021)
Chamber Offers No-Cost PPE to Roseburg Businesses
Partnership between the City of Roseburg and the Roseburg Area Chamber is providing personal protective equipment (PPE) at no cost to Roseburg businesses. The limited-quantity PPE offered includes: 3-ply ear-loop disposable masks, washable reusable cloth masks, non-surgical KN95 masks, pump-bottle hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes and disposable nitrile gloves.
To order no-cost PPE, businesses can find criteria information and PPE order form HERE.
Archived News (June 30, 2021)
Grant to Help Oregon Small Businesses Cover Costs Opens May 26--Act Fast!
On Wednesday, May 26, Business Oregon will open the final portion of a program to provide grants for small businesses to help with commercial rent and operational costs in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Oregon Legislative Emergency Board allocated approximately $100 million for the program to help small businesses impacted by the pandemic and the restrictions it necessitated. Following two rounds of distribution of Commercial Rent Relief assistance grants, approximately $28 million remains to be distributed in this final round through the Operational Cost Assistance Grant.
The Operational Cost Assistance Grant is designed for businesses with 100 or fewer employees in industries that were particularly affected by the pandemic, including those that:
- offer the consumption of food and or drink on premise;
- provide specified indoor physical exercise, recreational or family entertainment; OR
- provide specified personal services.
Restaurants, bars, gyms, brewpubs, theaters, bowling centers, and salons are some of the more common examples of eligible businesses. Full details of the program, including eligible industries, are available on Business Oregon’s website and in application materials. Applicants must have faced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Oregon.
Applications for the Operational Cost Assistance Grant will be accepted beginning May 26, and continue through June 6.
The application process is NOT first-come, first-served. Awards will be selected after a random lottery process of all complete and eligible applications received. Applicants are encouraged to take time with the application form to make sure all information is correct. Missing or incorrect information, particularly simple contact information such as email and phone numbers delays processing significantly. Businesses that previously received assistance grants through the State of Oregon Commercial Rent Relief Program for the same location are eligible to receive this new grant, as long as the award amount through the Commercial Rent Relief Program was less than $100,000. Total combined awards from either program will not exceed $100,000 for a single applicant.
More program information and eligibility details are available on Business Oregon’s website, along with the application link beginning May 26.
Archived News (June 30, 2021)
Oregon OSHA Updates COVID-19 Workplace Mandates with New Mask Guidance
On May 19, Oregon Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) updated its COVID-19 workplace rules with new mask guidance issued by Oregon Health Authority (OHA) on May 18. Oregon OSHA released a statement clarifying how the updated mask guidance from the Oregon Health Authority impacts their workplace rules related to COVID.
From OSHA’s statement: “As outlined in the OHA document, if the employer chooses to allow either employees or visitors to the workplace to make use of the vaccine exemption, the employer does not need to enforce the physical distancing and facial covering requirements in relation to those individuals provided that the employer verifies the vaccination status of such individuals. An employer who requests and reviews verification of vaccination may permit fully vaccinated individuals with such proof of vaccination to go without a mask, face covering or face shield, and does not need to enforce physical distancing requirements for such individuals. If an individual who claims to be vaccinated but refuses to provide verification of vaccination status, the employer need take no further action but must enforce the physical distancing and facial covering requirements without regard to the exemption.”
Archived News (June 30, 2021)
Updated Mask Guidance for Business from OHA
On May 18, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) released updated business guidance that reflects the CDC’s announcement last week that masks would not be required indoors or outdoors for fully vaccinated individuals. Read the full OHA guidance here.
The OHA noted that businesses may still require masks be worn on their premises and employers/businesses may ask employees and customers to verify their vaccination status before they are allowed to take their masks off. In addition to exempting people who are fully vaccinated from mask requirements in most indoor settings, OHA health experts announced that mask requirements no longer apply to anyone who is outdoors. However, OHA recommends that individuals continue to wear a mask or face covering in crowded areas and large gatherings (such as sporting events), and to maintain physical distance as much as possible. OHA urges unvaccinated individuals and those at risk for complications to wear masks in these settings. Learn more here.
Updated guidance on vaccine verification in workplaces, and other rule updates, is expected from Oregon OSHA shortly and will notify our members when that happens.
Regardless of vaccination status, Americans still need to wear masks when traveling on public transportation, hospitals, visiting nursing homes and long-term care facilities, prisons, and other higher risk places.
SOME DETAILS . . . The new Oregon guidance says:
- Individuals in Oregon are no longer required to wear a face mask or physically distance, whether indoors or outdoors, two weeks after their final COVID-19 vaccination dose. A “fully vaccinated individual” is a person who has received both doses of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or one dose of a single-dose vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since the individual’s final dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
- However, fully vaccinated individuals are required to continue wearing a mask and observe physical distancing on public transportation and in schools, hospitals and clinics, homeless shelters, youth and adult correctional facilities and long-term care facilities.
- Businesses, employers and faith institutions can choose to no longer require masks and physical distancing for fully vaccinated individuals or continue to require masks and physical distancing in their locations for all individuals, regardless of vaccination status.
- If a business, employer or faith institution chooses to no longer require masks and physical distancing, the business, employer or faith institution must require visitors to show proof of vaccination and review the proof of vaccination. In that case, a business would need to have a policy for checking the vaccination status of customers and employees if they are not wearing masks. Fully vaccinated individuals would need to provide proof they’d been vaccinated if they want to remove face coverings and not observe physical distancing guidelines.
Again, state health experts announced that face coverings are no longer required outdoors (regardless of vaccination status). OHA strongly recommends that people who are not vaccinated and people who are at high risk of severe COVID-19 disease continue to wear face coverings and physically distance in outdoor crowded areas and large gatherings. The OHA’s Interim Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Individuals, makes clear the onus falls on the employer to check/verify vaccination status. More information about vaccinations in Oregon is available at
Archived News (June 30, 2021)
Oregon OSHA Files Permanent Workplace Rules
On May 4, 2021, the Oregon Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) filed permanent workplace rules related to COVID. OSHA had previously adopted temporary rules on Nov. 6, 2020 and those rules were set to expire on May 4. READ THE RULES
The number one concern has always been public safety. Statewide business organizations have worked hard throughout the pandemic to ensure new state regulations in workplaces were fair and implementable. Below is Oregon Business & Industry’s (OBI) summary of some clarifications and new provisions in the rules that differ from the temporary rules. While most of the rules went into effect on May 4 some of these new provisions will be delayed until June. OSHA has indicated the rules will be repealed when the COVID pandemic is no longer a threat to public health.
- Provides that rules will be regularly reviewed and reevaluated to determine if rules are still needed or enforcement guidance will be needed as conditions approve. First review is scheduled for this July.
- Clarifies that if an employer already conducted a risk assessment and completed an infection control plan under the temporary rules, they do not need to do so again under the permanent rules.
- Updates the cleaning and sanitization requirements to be consistent with new CDC guidance that such cleaning need only be done once a day. This is particularly helpful for businesses that run 24-hour operations.
- Directs employers to minimize employees traveling together in vehicles, where practical. Where not practical, employees must wear face coverings and outside air flow in vehicles should be optimized.
- Employers with 10 or more employees must attest that HVAC systems are functioning consistent with rule requirements.
- When employees must be absent from the workplace to quarantine because of an exposure, employers must notify them of their rights to return and any paid leave benefits provided by the employer. Note: under new guidance from OHA individuals who are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic do not have to quarantine after an exposure.
Archived News (June 30, 2021)
Douglas County Moves Back to "High" Risk Level on Friday, May 7
After spending a week at the “moderate” risk level, Douglas County moves back down to the “high” risk level on Friday, May 7. For details about what this means to specific business sectors, CLICK HERE!
The 15 Oregon counties that were moved to “extreme” risk on April 30, will return to “high” risk on May 7, as well.
Archived News (June 30, 2021)
Statewide Modifications to "Extreme Risk" Level Mandates
Effective January 29, the state of Oregon “slightly” modified guidance for counties deemed to be at the extreme risk level. In general, any/all indoor spaces, except restaurants, are allowed to have up to six people in a space of more than 500 square feet, under the modified guidelines. If owners/operators have more than 1000 square feet and can effectively divide the space internally, there can be as many as four distinct areas, each having up to six customers at a time.
Specifics include:
- Indoor Recreation & Fitness Establishments: Guidance FAQs
- Indoor Entertainment Establishments: Guidance FAQs
- Outdoor Entertainment Establishments: Guidance FAQs
- Eating and Drinking Establishments; Guidance FAQs (Dining pod signage: )
Douglas County remains at the high risk level through, at least, Thursday, May 6, 2021.
Archived News (June 30, 2021)
Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) Accepts Applications Starting May 3
UPDATE: Last Day to Apply for RRF is Monday, May 24 at 5:00 p.m. PDT.
The SBA has announced that the Restaurant Revitalization Fund will begin registrations on Friday, April 30, 2021, at 9 a.m. EDT and open applications on Monday, May 3, 2021.
SBA Administrator Guzman announced the application opening for $28.6 Billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund which will prioritizes direct relief to women, veterans, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and includes $9.5 billion in set-asides for smaller businesses.
In preparation, the SBA recommends qualifying applicants familiarize themselves with the application process in advance to ensure a smooth and efficient application experience, specifically by:
- Registering for an account in advance at starting Friday, April 30, 2021, at 9 a.m. EDT.
- Reviewing the official guidance, including program guide, frequently asked questions, and application sample.
- Preparing the required documentation.
- Working with a point-of-sale vendor or visiting to submit an application when the application portal opens. Note: If an applicant is working with a point-of-sale vendor, they do not need to register beforehand on the site.]
- Attending a live recorded virtual training webinar.
Tuesday, April 27 | 11:30 a.m. PDT | Past Event
Wednesday, April 28 | 10:00 a.m. PDT | Past Event
Wednesday, April 28 | 11:30 a.m. PDT | Past Event
Thursday, April 29 | 3:00 p.m. PDT | Past Event
Tuesday, May 4 | 3:00 p.m. PDT | Past Event
Thursday, May 6 | 9:30 a.m. PDT | Past Event
For the first 21 days that the program is open, the SBA will prioritize funding applications from businesses owned and controlled by women, veterans, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. All eligible applicants are encouraged to submit applications as soon as the portal opens. Following the 21 days, all eligible applications will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Archived News (June 30, 2021)
Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) Application Portal is OPEN
The Small Business Administration’s Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) application portal reopened on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. PDT. In preparation for the opening, potential applicants should register on the portal in advance. Applicants will also need a smartphone and a multi-factor authenticator app to register and apply.
The SBA has also added the following updated resources.
- Applicant user guide and FAQ: For help with the application process, refer to the applicant user guide and FAQ.
- Checklist: Use the checklist to make sure you have everything you need to complete your application.
- Call Center: For Shuttered Venue Operators Grant application portal technical assistance such as a password reset, browser suggestions, or how to use the multi-factor authentication with an app and the QR code, applicants can call 1-800-659-2955 or, for the deaf and hard-of-hearing 1-800-877-8339 and follow the prompts to SVOG assistance. For additional information and to review applicant resources, visit
Archived News (May 12, 2021)
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Reopens
CLOSED DUE TO EXHAUSTED FUNDS. Deadline Extended to May 31, 2021. Earlier this week the U.S. Small Business Administration, in consultation with the U.S. Treasury Department, reopened the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan portal to PPP-eligible lenders with $1 billion or less in assets for First and Second Draw applications on Friday, January 15, 2021 at 9 am EST. The portal will fully open on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 to all participating PPP lenders to submit First and Second Draw loan applications to SBA.
To promote access to capital, SBA provided early PPP access for first-time applicants through community financial institutions. These community financial institutions began providing PPP loans to first-time applicants on January 11, and opened up to second-time PPP applicants on January 13. The PPP will open to all participating lenders shortly thereafter.
Businesses interested in a PPP loan (first or second), particularly those unable to access PPP with a traditional bank or credit union, are encouraged to get in touch as soon as possible. One such participating CDFI is You can contact your local SBA office for more information on community financial institutions offering early access to PPP here.
If you received a initial PPP loan from a bank or credit union during the first round, please contact them regarding a second loan.
Updated PPP guidance can be found here:
- PPP Guidance from SBA Administrator Carranza on Accessing Capital for Minority, Underserved, Veteran, and Women-owned Business Concerns;
- Interim Final Rule on Paycheck Protection Program as Amended by Economic Aid Act;
- Interim Final Rule on Second Draw PPP Loans.
The U.S. Chamber created a new Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans to provide local chambers and our members with the latest information and answers to FAQs about the changes that have been made to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) Program as part of the end-of-year pandemic relief package Congress passed and which is tentatively slated to become law.
Click here to view the U.S. Chamber’s new Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans. As the year-end federal pandemic relief package evolves and, we are confident, ultimately authorized and signed into law, we will continue to provide updates as the information becomes available.
Archived News (May 7, 2021)
Good News! Douglas County Move to "Moderate" Risk Level on April 30
Effective Friday, April 30, Douglas County moves from “high” to “moderate” risk level. For details about what this means to specific business sectors, CLICK HERE!
There will be 15 Oregon counties moving to extreme risk on Friday, April 30th for at least one week. Governor Brown has removed the “warning week” for the current and next two weeks (and the use of the “buffer week” will also be on pause). Movement week data will be released on the following dates:
- Tuesday, April 27th: Movement data released
- Friday, April 30th: County Risk Levels change
- Tuesday, May 4th: Movement data released
- Friday, May 7th: County Risk Levels change
- Tuesday, May 11th: Movement data released
- Friday, May 14th: County Risk Levels change
If, after three weeks, Oregon still exceeds statewide hospitalization metrics and one or more counties still meet the case rates and percent positivity for “extreme” risk, the Oregon Health Authority will evaluate why and make recommendations to the Governor’s office. Governor Brown announced updates to outdoor capacity limits for “extreme” risk counties and is also partnering with legislators on a $20 million emergency relief package to provide immediate aid to impacted businesses in “extreme” risk counties through the state’s commercial rent relief.
Archived News (May 7, 2021)
Commercial Rent Relief Grants for Small Business Opens April 22...CLOSES May 6
Business Oregon announces the second round of its grant program for building owners to cover outstanding lease payments from small business tenants behind on rent due to COVID-19, opening on Thursday, April 22 at 9:00 am and closing on May 6, 2021.
The grants can go up to $100,000 per each business tenant, but no more than $3 million for each landlord. This grant program is NOT first-come, first served. There is approximately $42 million in funds available this round (there was $49.9 million available in round one and nearly $65.4 million in grant application requests). Applicants not selected in round one are automatically entered into round two. Applications will be chosen by a random lottery system in any geographic region that has more applicants than funds available.
This program helps small business tenants with 100 or fewer employees. Both the business tenant and the property owner will need to participate in the application process and sign the grant agreement, but the initial application needs to be completed by the landlord.
Minor changes to round two of the grant program include, the minimum grant amount is now $500 (reduced from $1000), landlords can be publicly-traded businesses and sole proprietors do not need to register their business with the Secretary of State, if they are not otherwise required to do so.
For more information and to apply on April 22, CLICK HERE!
Archived News (May 4, 2021)
Oregon OSHA Grants Grace-Period for Compliance with New COVID-19 Rules
The recently adopted Oregon OSHA Temporary COVID-19 rule includes a series of deadlines, including three inter-related requirements. Under the rule, employers must complete both the required Risk Assessment and the Infection Control Plan based on that Risk Assessment by December 7, 2020 and must complete the required Infection Control Training (based in part on the Infection Control Plan) by December 21, 2020.
A three-week implementation delay has been granted for certain employers – including restaurants, gyms and other businesses impacted the recent “freeze” and by the newly adopted risk levels. All other employers who have been working to comply but have not yet completed that work are granted a one-week grace period. You can read more about this in OR-OSHA’s memo.
Important timelines to remember:
- Base Rule: Effective November 16, 2020
- Physical Distancing
- Masks
- Cleaning & Sanitation
- Poster Posted
- Building Operator Rules: November 23, 2020
- Exposure Risk Assessment: December 7, 2020*
- Infection Control Plan: December 7, 2020*
- Employee Training:December 21, 2020
- Ventilation Requirements (all workplaces): January 6, 2021
You can find additional materials on Oregon OSHA’s website.
Archived News (May 4, 2021)
OSHA Develops Employer Training Course for New COVID-19 Workplace Rules
In an effort to help employers understand the complex new COVID-19 workplace rules, Oregon OSHA this week produced an online education course designed to help employers meet four of the 10 employee training requirements found in Oregon OSHA’s COVID-19 Temporary Rule. The course begins with an explanation of the dangers of COVID-19 and why the temporary rule came into existence. This course is divided into four modules: Introduction, Signs, Symptoms and Transmission, Control Measures, and Conclusion. The course is available in both English and Spanish and includes visually powerful graphics as well as links to resources to assist employers in achieving compliance.
Archived News (April 27, 2021)
Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) Coming SOON!
Soon the Small Business Administration (SBA) will launch the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) program. In order to be ready to apply when that day comes:
(1) Get Program Details. Get the RRF program details such as eligibility, funding amount, allowable use of funds and more. If you haven’t already, sign up for RRF email updates.
(2) Get Prepared. The SBA is not currently accepting applications for RRF. However, you can prepare your application by reviewing the sample application, program guide and cross-program eligibility chart on SBA COVID-19 relief options. You will be able to apply through SBA-recognized Point of Sale Restaurant Partners or directly via SBA in a forthcoming online application portal. Registration with is not required. DUNS or CAGE identifiers are also not required.
(3) When to Apply. The official application launch date will be announced shortly. Ahead of the application launch and over the next two weeks, the SBA will establish a seven-day pilot period for the RRF application portal and conduct extensive outreach and training on how to apply, application requirements and where to apply. Participants in this pilot are randomly selected from existing PPP borrowers in priority groups for RRF and will not receive funds until the application portal is open to the public.
Following the pilot, the application portal will be opened to the public. For the first 21 days that the program is open, the SBA will prioritize reviewing applications from small businesses owned by women, veterans, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. Following the 21-day period all eligible applicants are encouraged to submit applications.
RACC will let our members know when the program is going to open as soon as the date is announced. For details about the program, visit the SBA’s Restaurant Revitalization Fund information page.
Archived News (April 27, 2021)
Updated Guidance for Outdoor Entertainment Activities
On March 17, the state announced new outdoor capacity limits for Oregon counties for outdoor recreation and fitness, and outdoor entertainment. Effective immediately, outdoor entertainment establishments and outdoor recreation and fitness establishments in all Oregon counties may allow the following:
- Lower risk: Maximum 50% occupancy
- Moderate risk: Maximum 25% occupancy
- High risk: Maximum 15% occupancy
- Extreme risk: Maximum 50 people
For updated outdoor capacity limits, please refer to the Sector Risk Level Guidance Chart.
Archived News (April 25, 2021)
Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) Applications
The Small Business Administration originally attempted to opened SVOG applications on April 8. Due to the unprecedented and overwhelming need the SBA’s application portal was and remains temporarily suspended due to technical issues. The SBA has tech teams working on the portal, aiming to reopen by the end of this week. The SBA confirms they have not accepted any applications or distributed any funding. As soon as we are advised of the reopening date, we will advise our members. Until then, for more information visit the SBA’s Shuttered Venue Operators Grant page.
Eligible venues can receive assistance both through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the American Rescue Plan Act’s SVOG program. The SVOG will simply be reduced by the PPP loan amount. The PPP loan applications have been revised to reflect this update.
The SBA has created tools and resources to help potential SVOG applicants prepare, including:
- Regularly updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Video tutorials, including how to register on the System for Award Management (, a federal requirement to receive an SVOG
- A Preliminary Application Checklist to help you gather documents and other information that may be needed
- An Eligibility Requirements Chart to help determine qualifications
Archived News (March 22, 2021)
Commercial Rent Relief Program Available to Small Businesses
Act Fast. Grant application program opens March 8 and closes March 22.
The Oregon Legislative Emergency Board allocated $100 million to Business Oregon for a new program to provide financial assistance to small businesses and commercial landlords impacted by the economic hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The program provides grants to building owners to cover outstanding lease payments from small business tenants that are behind on rent due to COVID-19. The grants can go up to $100,000 per each business tenant lease, but not more than $3 million for each landlord. The landlord must agree not to evict the tenant for six months and waive any rights to collect outstanding penalties or interest, or enforce eviction clauses related to the delinquent lease payments between March 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021.
The program is intended to help small business tenants that have 100 or fewer employees. The agreement will include additional protections for tenants, such as non-eviction clauses, and a waiver of penalties and interest.
The program opens for applications on Monday, March 8. Both the business tenant and property owner will need to participate in the application process and sign the grant agreement, but the initial application needs to be completed by the landlord.
The application period will be open for two weeks, with eligible submissions chosen by a lottery system that will also ensure geographic distribution across all regions of the state. The program is split into two rounds, the first $50 million will be allocated in the application period opening March 8. The remaining funds will be available in a second-round application that will open in late April. Unsuccessful (but eligible) applicants from the first round will automatically be considered in the second round, as will any new applicants.
More program information, eligibility details and application are available on the Business Oregon website.
Archived News (February 26, 2021)
New COVID-19 Safety Mandates Effective January 1, 2021
Douglas County Risk Level Lowered to “High”
On Wednesday, November 25, Governor Brown announced a new safety framework for all 36 Oregon counties after the “two-week freeze” ended on December 2. The framework utilizes the latest science and data to classify counties into four different risk categories: “Lower,” “Moderate,” “High,” and “Extreme.”
On Tuesday, December 1, Governor Brown announced updates to county risk levels under the state’s new public health framework to reduce transmission of COVID-19. As stated above, the framework uses four different risk levels for counties based on COVID-19 spread—Extreme Risk, High Risk, Moderate Risk and Lower Risk. Each risk level has assigned health and safety measure mandates. Douglas County remained in the “Extreme” risk level from December 3 through December 31. Due to a reduction in COVID-10 cases, Douglas County’s risk level was lowered to “High” effective January first, allowing in-person dining at restaurants and bars, opening of tasting rooms, gyms, bowling alleys and theaters, with restrictions, to name a few.
County risk levels are reassigned every two weeks. An updated list of counties and their associated risk levels is available here.
For more information about the risk levels and activity guidance, guidance based on county risk level or read the full press release. State of Oregon, Office of the Governor Executive Order 20-66.
Archived News (January 10, 2021)
Oregon OSHA-Adopted COVID-19 Rules Go Into Effect November 16, 2020
Oregon OSHA has adopted the COVID-19 rules for ALL workplaces. The temporary rules go into effect next Monday, November 16 (and currently will be in effect through May 4, 2021). CLICK HERE to view the full rules.
Here is what employers will have to do:
- Employers must post the OSHA poster. English Version and Spanish Version
- Ensure work activities eliminate the need for employees to be within six feet of each other.
- Clean or sanitize high-touch surfaces and shared equipment at least every 24 hours for workplaces occupied less than 12 hours a day;
- If workplaces are occupied more than 12 hours a day, cleaning must be done every 8 hours;
- Employers must provide employees with sufficient hand washing supplies and facilities; and
- Employees must provide employees with supplies to clean work surfaces.
Face Coverings
- Employers must ensure employees wear face coverings in workplaces consistent with Oregon Health Authority Guidance;
- Employees must also wear face coverings in vehicles; and
- Employers must provide face coverings to employees.
- Businesses must repair and maintain heating and cooling systems to maximize air flow. This likely involves replacing filters as recommended by the manufacturer.
Exposure Risk Assessment
- Employers must conduct an Exposure Risk Assessment by December 7, 2020.
- OSHA has created an exposure risk assessment template for employers to use.
- Employers must give employees an opportunity to provide feedback.
Infection Control Plan
- Employers must establish an Infection Control Plan by December 7, 2020.
- NEW! OSHA has created a model Policy for Notification of Employees When COVID-19 Exposure Occurs and sample Infection Control Plan. The new Oregon OSHA Temporary COVID-19 rules require that businesses establish a notification process that provides notice within 24-hours if an employee has been exposed to someone confirmed to have tested positive for COVID-19. This requirement goes into effect on Monday, November 16th. The COVID-19 infection notification process includes: Employers must establish a process to notify exposed employees that they had a work-related contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19, as well as to notify affected employees that an individual who was present in the facility has confirmed COVID-19.
- Exposed employees include:
- Those who were within 6 feet of a confirmed COVID-19 individual for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more, regardless of whether one or both of them were wearing source control.
- Those who worked in the same facility or in the same well-defined portion of the facility such as a particular floor.
This excludes settings where patients are hospitalized on the basis that they are known or suspected to be infected with COVID-19.
The notification process must include the following elements:
- A mechanism for notifying both exposed and affected employees within 24 hours of the employer being made aware that an individual with COVID-19 was present in the workplace while infectious or otherwise may have had work-related contact with its employee(s) while infectious; and
- This notification process must be established and implemented in accordance with all applicable federal and Oregon laws and regulations. Note: Employers can satisfy this requirement by adopting the model procedure to be published by Oregon OSHA before the effective date of the rule.
Note: OAR 333-018-0016 requires such cases to be reported by healthcare providers and laboratories within 24 hours of identification.
Employee Training
- Training must be completed by December 21, 2020.
- Training can be done through a safety meeting.
Exposure or Infection Response
- Employers must adopt policies about how to notify employees if they have been exposed to someone who is known to have been infected with COVID-19. Model Policy for Notification of Employees when COVID-19 Exposure Occurs and in Spanish.
- Employers must remove individuals from the workplace if public health officials direct the employees to isolate or quarantine. Employees are entitled to return to their previous position after the isolation or quarantine time period.
Overview Table/Timelines for Oregon OSHA COVID-19 Temporary Rule. For more information about Oregon OSHA’s new COVID-19 rules.
Archived News (December 31, 2020)
New COVID-19 Safety Mandates Effective December 3
Douglas County Deemed to be at Extreme Risk
On Wednesday, November 25, Governor Brown announced a new safety framework for all 36 Oregon counties once the “two-week freeze” ends next Wednesday, December 2. The framework will utilize the latest science and data to classify counties into four different risk categories: “Lower,” “Moderate,” “High,” and “Extreme.”
On Tuesday, December 1, Governor Brown announced updates to county risk levels under the state’s new public health framework to reduce transmission of COVID-19. As we stated above, the framework uses four different risk levels for counties based on COVID-19 spread—Extreme Risk, High Risk, Moderate Risk and Lower Risk. Each risk level has assigned health and safety measure mandates. These mandated measures are effective Thursday, December 3 and will remain through December 17. The Oregon Health Authority will examine and publish county data weekly. County risk levels will be reassigned every two weeks, with the next risk assignment levels taking effect on December 18.
Twenty-five counties have been determined to be in the Extreme Risk, including Douglas County, which means we will continue with the economic shutdown currently in place. A complete list of counties and their associated risk levels is available here.
For more information about the risk levels and activity guidance, guidance based on county risk level or read the full press release. State of Oregon, Office of the Governor Executive Order 20-66.
A change from the two-week “freeze,” bars and restaurants will be allowed to have a maximum of 50 customers dining outdoors, with tables limited to parties of six. Service must stop at 11 p.m.
Retail capacity limitations are also changing. Under the “two-week freeze” requirements, all retail was limited to 75% capacity. Now, those counties classified as at “extreme” or “high” risk are curtailed to 50%.
Archived News (December 12, 2020)
Douglas County COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant Program
Archived News (December 12, 2020)
Douglas County COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant Program
CCD Business Development Corporation (CCD) has contracted with Douglas County to deploy the approximately $1,470,000 in CARES Act funds allotted to the county for a COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant Program.
Grant Applications will be accepted beginning December 4 at Noon. Application deadline is December 11 at 5:00 pm.
Businesses need to act fast and apply now! According to CCD executive director Theresa Haga, “There is a very short window of time to disburse a large amount of money. If you are hesitant to apply, don’t be. We are still facing an unknown future with winter ahead of us. We want to help as many of our local businesses as possible while the money is available.”
These funds are intended to be equally accessible to all businesses within the following categories:
- Hospitality within the service industry: Hotels and Motels, Bed-and-Breakfast Inns, RV Parks, Recreational and Vacation Camps, Caterers, Wineries, Breweries, Event Planning, Travel Agencies, Tour Operators, Theme Parks, Bowling Alleys and Theaters;
- Restaurants that do not have a drive-up option; and,
- Gyms & Fitness Facilities
Eligible Applicants must be a small business located in Douglas County, Oregon.
Businesses must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- The business is headquartered in Oregon and has its principal operations in Oregon.
- If required by Oregon law to be registered with the Oregon Secretary of State to do business in Oregon, the Business is so registered.
- The business has 100 or fewer employees.
- The business was affected in either one of the following two ways:
- For-profit and non-profit (limited to 501(c)(3) corporations) businesses that were prohibited from operations as directed by Executive Orders 20-12 or 20-65.
- For-profit and non-profit (limited to 501(c)(3) corporations) businesses that can demonstrate a one-month decline in sales of 25% or more, incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, between March 1, 2020 and November 30, 2020 as compared against the same period of time in 2019.
The following businesses are NOT eligible to apply for or receive funding:
- Passive real estate holding companies and entities holding passive investments.
- Non-profit entities that do not have federal 501(c)(3) status.
- Businesses that experience a decline in revenues for reasons other than those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. seasonal or cyclical business cycles.)
- Businesses that are delinquent on federal, state or local taxes that were due on or before the date of application.
- Businesses that do not comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations.
- Businesses that have closed and do not intend to reopen.
Eligible Grant Amounts: $5,000 – $75,000
To Apply: The application will be available at on Friday, December 4, 2020 at noon (12:00 p.m.) and applications will be accepted through 5:00 pm on Friday, December 11, 2020.
These funds were made available when the Oregon Legislature, in partnership with the Governor, allocated $55 Million of federal CARES Act funds for the purpose of providing financial assistance to small businesses affected by economic conditions as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds were allocated to counties to deploy in the form of grants to small businesses that have been financially impacted.
Archived News (December 12, 2020)
State Commits $75 Million in Business Assistance Grant Funds as "Freeze" Begins
Archived News 12/12–Applications Closed
Governor Brown Directs $55 Million to Counties
To help mitigate the financial impact of her new restrictions will have on Oregon businesses, Governor Brown announced yesterday afternoon that she has directed $55 million in Coronavirus Relief Funds to help those that must close today.
The funds will be allocated to counties, with each county receiving a base of $500,000 plus a per capita allocation of the remainder of the funds. The counties will be responsible for deciding how businesses apply to receive funds and communicating the application process to businesses. The Governor’s office anticipates that the funds will be distributed to counties within the next several weeks.
Douglas County share of those funds for local business assistance will be $1,473,569. County leadership is currently developing its business assistance grant application criteria and process. If your business has been impacted by these new restrictions, contact Douglas County at and ask to be added to the COVID Business Funding Program mailing list to receive the latest updates and information.
Archived News 11/20–Funds Exhausted in 19 Minutes
Oregon Legislature & Governor Add Additional $20 Million to Business Assistance Grants
On Wednesday afternoon, November 18, it was announced that the Oregon Legislature and Governor Brown approved $20 million more to Business Oregon’s Emergency Business Assistance Grant Fund. The application for this new round of funds will be available beginning this Thursday, November 19 on Business Oregon’s website. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come first-served basis.
The grants are available to small businesses that have seen lost revenue due to the pandemic, and that meet a minimal set of requirements.
Businesses are eligible to receive up to $200,000 in grant funding as detailed in the grant application. To be eligible, a business must show it was prohibited from operations by the Governor’s Executive Order 20-12, or demonstrate a 25% reduction in sales over a 30-day period in 2020 compared to a comparable period in 2019.
On Thursday, November 19, the application form and additional details will be found on Business Oregon’s website in multiple languages. Grants will be reviewed on a first-come first-served basis, and will be allocated so that there is an equitable geographic distribution of funds as dictated by the Oregon Legislature.
Archived News (December 3, 2020)
Governor Issues Two-Week Statewide Freeze Beginning Wednesday, November 18
Statewide “freeze” from November 18 through December 2 . . . at Least
At a noon press conference on Friday, November 13, Oregon Governor Kate Brown announced a two-week statewide “freeze” to try to curtail the recent significant spikes of COVID-19 cases throughout Oregon.
The two-week “freeze” measures include:
- Limiting social get-togethers (indoors and outdoors) to no more than six people, total, from no more than two households.
- Limiting churches and other faith-based venues to a maximum of 25 people indoors or 50 people outdoors.
- Limiting restaurants to take-out only. This applies to wineries, tasting rooms, etc.
- Closing gyms and fitness organizations.
- Closing indoor recreational facilities, museums, indoor entertainment activities, and indoor pools and sports courts.
- Closing outdoor recreational facilities, zoos, gardens, aquariums, outdoor entertainment activities, and outdoor pool.
- Limiting grocery stores and pharmacies to a maximum of 75% capacity and encouraging curbside pick-up.
- Limiting retail stores and retail malls (indoor and outdoor) to a maximum of 75% capacity and encouraging curbside pick-up.
- Closing venues that host or facilitate indoor or outdoor events.
- Requiring all businesses to mandate work-from-home to the greatest extent possible and closing offices to the public.
- Prohibiting indoor visiting in long-term care facilities.
The two-week freeze does not apply to or change current health and safety protocols for personal services (such as barber shops, hair salons, and non-medical massage therapy), congregate homeless sheltering, outdoor recreation and sports, youth programs, childcare, K-12 schools, K-12 sports currently allowed to operate, current Division 1 and professional athletics exemptions, and higher education—all of which can continue operating under previous guidance issued by the Oregon Health Authority.
The Governor also announced a travel advisory, recommending self-quarantine of two weeks after any recreational travel out-of-state.
New Guidance from the Oregon Health Authority